If you purchased a domain from a third-party provider (like Namecheap, GoDaddy, Hover, or 1and1), you can use it with your Promo site by following a process called domain mapping. This process requires you to change a few settings in your registrar's account to tell the domain where to point.
You can register a domain on your own at one of the many registrars (such as namecheap.com or godaddy.com), or contact our support team for assistance.
Follow these steps to map your domain or subdomain:
Open the Promo application, select the menu bar, settings , and domain.
Select "Add Custom Domain" and enter your website domain or subdomain, and tap "Save"
Within the Domains list, you should see the newly added domain. Select the newly domain as your default address.
In your provider's DNS manager, create a CNAME with these values:
CNAME points to yourbusiness.promo.co
Replace "yourbusiness" with your promo.co subdomain.
For example, if my default promo adress is pumpupthejam.promo.co, I would add "pumpupthejam.promo.co" as the CNAME as the screenshot shows below.
Contact our support team